

After studying all the materials, take a test. The test comprises of questions dealing with the contents of each material. Once number of the correct answers is 95 % (40 correct of questions in total), the test is passed, and you can continue to the collaboration phase.

In the end of the test you are requested to choose one of the four topic, which you are interested in and want to learn more about. You have to complete the test before collaboration phase begin. After studying all the materials, take a test. The test comprises of questions dealing with the contents of each material.

Once number of the correct answers is 95 % (40 correct answers), the test is passed, and you can continue to the collaboration phase. In the end of the test you are requested to choose one of the four topic, which you are interested in and want to learn more about.

Questionnaire- CSCL 2020 Test

Please follow this link to access the test. You can also find the Testing Phase in Google Classroom.