


  • In order to see videos and core readings in this page, please make sure that you are logged-in into Google Classroom. If you haven't enrolled yourself into Classroom, please see here how to do it!

Start SOLO phase and complete it before the collaborative phase begins. Aim of the SOLO phase is to provide basic understanding of the four topics of the CSCL. The basic understanding as a common ground of the CSCL is important for the next, collaboration phase.

SOLO phase includes four themes and learning material for each theme. Each theme is discussed in a video and in 1-2 related core articles (and additional readings).

NOTE: You have to mark all tasks as 'done' in Google Classroom.

The order of the themes is following:

  1. Scripting CSCL

  2. Social aspects of CSCL

  3. Socio-emotional aspects of CSCL

  4. Metacognition in CSCL

Scripting CSCL


  • If you don't see videos and readings, log-in to Google Classroom

  • You can access the classwork materials in the following Google Classroom link. Please, Do remember to turn-in this assignment (mark it done) in Google Classroom.


Core readings

See additional readings here: Course Readings

Social aspects of CSCL


  • If you don't see videos and readings, log-in to Google Classroom

  • You can access the classwork materials in the following Google Classroom link. Please, Do remember to turn-in this assignment (mark it done) in Google Classroom.

See additional readings here: Course Readings

Socio-emotional aspects of CSCL


  • If you don't see videos and readings, log-in to Google Classroom

  • You can access the classwork materials in the following Google Classroom link. Please, Do remember to turn-in this assignment (mark it done) in Google Classroom.

Metacognition in CSCL


  • If you don't see videos and readings, log-in to Google Classroom

  • You can access the classwork materials in the following Google Classroom link. Please, Do remember to turn-in this assignment (mark it done) in Google Classroom.

See additional readings here: Course Readings