Elaboration + Webinar

Deadline for articles (before this elaboration phase)

The deadline for the articles is on 14th December 2020 to your mentor-teacher. Make sure that by that time the final version of your article is in your group folder in Drive and submitted in Google Classroom as well. Also ensure that you have filled in the individual feedback form (Link shared in Google Classroom) after you make the final submission.

Elaboration phase documentation

In the elaboration phase each student will get familiar with the article written by another group. The time window of giving feedback to your peer group is 8th to 9th December 2020. This means that every group should be ready with their first draft by 7th December 2020. All the groups will get time for finalizing their article and incorporate the feedback given by their peers. The time window of doing this is 10th to 13th December 2020.

In the webinar on the 18th December each group has a chance to briefly present their article. In addition, teachers will give their feedback for each group. In the elaboration phase, you also should fill in the feedback form.

General guidelines for reading the article

While reading the article pay attention at least to following issues:

    • How clear is the aim of the article?

    • How do the authors succeed to reach the aim they set?

    • How do the authors use theoretical knowledge in the article? What is the role their own reflection?

    • How is the paper structured? How is the language?

    • How are the articles they have applied in this paper?

Groups for peer-review

Each student will read the article given to her/him. Basically, per-review process goes as follows:

Social aspects of CSCL

  • Members of Group 1 read and comment the article written by Metacognition Group 1

Socio-emotional aspects of CSCL

  • Members of Group 1 read and comment the article written by Group 2

  • Members of Group 2 read and comment the article written by Group 1

Scripting CSCL

  • Members of Group 1 read and comment the article written by Group 2

  • Members of Group 2 read and comment the article written by Group 3

  • Members of Group 3 read and comment the article written by Group 1

Metacognition in CSCL

  • Members of Group 1 read and comment the article written by Social Aspects Group 1

List of the articles

Please follow this link to access the Google Sheet for the Peer Review task. All the groups are requested to upload the latest version of their drafts for the review process. Peer Review Task Sheet

About Webinar and written feedback

Webinar: December 18th, 12:15pm (Finnish time) Duration 150mins

Guidelines about webinar

Zoom is very user-friendly www-based platform for meetings and webinars.


code will be added here (go there and join to the meeting, it may ask you to install helper, follow the guidelines :))

Participants can chat, share their screen, discuss etc. This is very similar to Adfobe Connect, Skype or other platforms. Difference is that you doesn't need Flash or Windows related components to run session.


if you are alone, you can use just integrated micrphone/speaker/webcam (laptop) or headset + webcam

If you are together with students, please use confernece microphone or better av equipment. Zoom supports very wide range of different tools

TEST AUDIO & Video prior meeting:

I have found Zoom to be easiest tool so far, different headphones, speakers, microphones seems to be recognized very smoothly, however you can check audio etc. prior our meeting here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/115002262083-How-Do-I-Test-Prior-to-Joining-a-Meeting-

Webinar timetable

The structure is as follows:

· Time duration: 150 mins beginning at 12:15 pm (Finnish time)

· Each group gets between 10 and 15 mins to present followed by 5 mins of questions/comments/feedback from their respective mentors—> mentors can also highlight (in case time remains) about how the groups collaborated through the process


Welcoming words (Jari, Ismail and Bhavna)

    • Social Aspects Group 1

    • Socio-emotional Aspects Group 1

    • Socio-emotional Aspects Group 2

    • Scripting Group 1

    • Scripting Group 2

    • Scripting Group 3

    • Metacognition Group 1


Our Meeting room: (embedded below)