
Overview of the course

Slides for the Orientation- CSCL 2020

Link to the PPT document

(You may scroll down to view the orientation instructions)

cscl ori 2020.pptx

Fill the enrollment form

Get familiar with the course

1. Explore learning environment

In this task you will need to get familiar with the course environment and structure. In the context of this course Google Sites and Google Classroom will be together the main platform.

Google Classroom is place for submitting assigments. Some of the assigments are just to inform teaching staff that you have completed phase, while in other assigments you need to create/edit documents (as described in respective assigments)

Google Sites is a place where course activities are described and materials are presented (which are also available through Google Classroom if you prefer it).

Basic requirements:

  • Google account (gmail account), if you don't have google account, university of Oulu can provide temporary account (for Uni Oulu students only).

  • Normal skills of using cloud services (Google apps and web browser).

Enroll into Google Classroom:

  • Go to http://classroom.google.com address

  • Log-in with your google account

  • Click "+join" button in topright corner and fill join code: crem6we

More information & tutorial material: (click button below)

2. Set your own goals and strategies

Make a schedule for individual studying phase (= solo phase). As your first assignment, set your own goals and strategies, return the assignment in Google Classroom

Watch the orientation video by Prof. Järvelä