研究紹介: 超臨界流体伝熱

超臨界状態は、圧力が臨界圧以上、温度は臨界温度付近(あるいは以上)の状態を指す。超臨界流体は超臨界抽出、汚染物処理など化学プロセス、超臨界水ボイラ・遷臨界CO2ヒートポンプなど幅広く応用されている。 超臨界流体の物性の温度、圧力依存性および流動・伝熱特性の解明が重要である。



  • マイクロスケールチャネルにおける超臨界流体の流れ、伝熱特性の解明.
  • 排熱回収発電サイクル用超臨界冷媒の伝熱特性の研究.
  • 排熱回収発電サイクルのサイクル特性の研究.
  • 遷臨界CO2ヒートポンプのサイクル特性の研究.





Xiaoxiao Xu, Yangyang Wu, Chao Liu, Kaizheng Wang, Chaobin Dang, Wanjin Bai, " Experimental investigation on heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 cooled in horizontal helically coiled tube ",International Journal of Refrigeration, In press (2016) [doi: 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2016.03.010]

Kaizheng Wang, Xiao Xiao Xu,Yangyang Wu, Chao Liu, Chaobin Dang, " Numerical investigation on heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in heated helically coiled tubes";Journal of Supercritical Fluids ; 99, 112-120 (2015) [doi:10.1016/j.supflu.2015.02.001]

Chaobin Dang, Keitaro Hoshika, Eiji Hihara, "Effect of lubricating oil on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide" International Journal of Refrigeration 35, 1410-1417 (2012)

Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara, "Predicting the cooling heat transfer coefficient of supercritical CO2 with a small amount of entrained lubricating oil by using the neural network method " International Journal of Refrigeration 35, 1130-1138 (2012)

Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara, "Numerical study on in-tube laminar heat transfer of supercritical fluids," Applied Thermal Engineering 13, 1567-1573 (2010)

Chaobin Dang, Koji Iino, Eiji Hihara, Effect of PAG-type lubricating oil on heat transfer characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide cooled inside a small internally grooved tube, Int. J. Refrigeration 33, 558-565 (2010)

Chaobin Dang, Koji Iino, Eiji Hihara, Study on two-phase flow pattern of supercritical carbon dioxide with entrained PAG-type lubricating oil in a gas cooler, Int. J. Refrigeration. Vol.31, No.7, 1265-1272, (2008).

Chaobin Dang, Koji Iino, Fukuoka K., Eiji Hihara., Effect of lubricating oil on cooling heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide, Int. J. Refrigeration. Vol.30, pp.724-731, (2007).

Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara, In-tube cooling heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide,part 1: experimental measurement, Int. J. Refrigeration, Vol.27, pp.736-747. (2004).

Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara, In-tube cooling heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide,part 2: comparison of different turbulence models, Int. J. Refrigeration, Vol.27, pp.748-760. (2004).

Chaobin Dang., Eiji Hihara., Cooling heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide, Refrigeration, Vol.79,No.920,pp.7-8, 2004. (Japanese)

Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara, Cooling heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide, 1st report: Numerical calculation and experimental results,Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Vol.20,No.2,pp.163-173. (2003), (Japanese)

Chaobin Dang, Eiji Hihara, Cooling heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide, 2st report: A new correlation for heat transfer coefficient and the effect of lubricant oil, , Transactions of the Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers,Vol.20,No.2,pp.175-183, (2003).