Design step A

A is a design process model. This model provide a easy five step view of the design process and guide you through the design projects you are tackling with.

Design steps


The design process starts with a challenge or a problem. The problems or challenges can be assigned by teacher or pupils. The design process can be used with different learning assignments, such as learning language grammar. The challenge can be a ready-made assignment or it can be a problem which needs to be solved. Sometimes problems can be found from the school yard. Is there something wrong with the yard? Is there an area that is never in use, for example? Why? How to improve the yard? In the beginning of the design process it is important to define the learning objectives. Furthermore, the key element of the process is to remember who is the user or users. Pupils can interview users to get a better understanding of the user's needs and wishes.


After the assignment objectives it’s time to do research and generate lots of ideas. Why, what, when, who and how are the great questions to think about. At this stage it is important to create lots of ideas. The research can be done in groups in the classroom. During this brainstorm, all ideas and sketches are welcome. Teachers need to encourage pupils to think that every idea is a potential solution. This is why it is important to think about the challenge through different questions. There are different ways to build ideas. Pupils can try different brainstorming methods, for example creating wild ideas where there are no right or wrong answers. 


At this stage all the ideas are identified and the final idea is selected. Next, it is crucial to define how the idea is produced and what it needs to come alive. Pupils will make a detailed plan on how to produce the final idea. It is important to describe how the idea will work.  There are different ways to make the plan. The plan can be made of clay, writing, drawing, recording the voice, building with Legos or combining all the ways together. This planning stage functions as a tool for clarifying all the possible difficulties there might be during the production stage. The plan may look different every time. It depends on the challenge.


Now it is time to build the idea. At this stage pupils may need to use various materials if the final model is a product. The final idea can also be an immaterial product such as a service. Pupils will create prototypes, mock ups or models that are close to the final product. A prototype can be made by using cardboard. It is an easy way to test how the idea will work. Pupils will deal with any problems that arise and collect information on how to implement the idea. The prototype can also be a final outcome of the process. It is also a great tool for implementing the idea into the final product or service. 


This stage is crucial. Now is a good time to reflect and see what has been done. Are all the ideas and solutions working as they should? Is there something that can be modified or changed? Consider alternative solutions. In this stage it is possible to go back and generate new ideas or improve existing ones. It is possible to repeat all the previous steps as many times as necessary. 


It is time to celebrate! The challenge has been solved with a solution or different solutions. Now pupils and teachers will evaluate how the process went and how all the learning objectives are achieved. What were the challenges the pupils met during the process? It is time to go through all the success elements and surprising moments together. The end result is presented to a possible target group and the feedback is collected. Feedback can be collected from the end users and participants.  

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