
Types of Cyberbullying

Mean & nasty messages

Social and intentional exclusion

Setting up accounts in fake names & using those to bully

Setting up fake Instagram accounts - Finstas

Photoshopped pics

Sharing sexual images - sexting

Telling someone to "Go KYS"

Forwarding and sharing bullying content

How can you assist a student who has been cyberbullied?

Praise and support them. Speaking up is hard

Ask to see evidence

Reassure them you will act

Help them block the person

Report the abuse to the site

Ensure that they know to tell you if it continues

Deal with the 'bully' as per school bullying policy

Recheck with the student to ensure that all is OK

Policy Inclusions

  1. Inclusive language - 'member of school community' rather than just student

  2. Reasons for the policy

  3. Expectation it is a 24/7 Policy

  4. Clear definition of what cyberbullying is and is not

  5. What is a breach of the policy and how to report

  6. Where to get further advice and assistance. Referral to mental health support

  7. How/when school community to be educated around Cyberbullying

  8. Possible consequences

  9. Statement that criminal behaviour may be reported to Police or other auhtority

  10. Review date of policy

Credit: @TheCybercop1