
These are free self-paced courses to help you develop and improve your Google search skills. You will get to learn ‘tips and tricks to become a fast and effective fact-finder with Power Searching with Google, deepen your understanding of solving complex research problems using advanced Google search techniques with Advanced Power Searching with Google, and join a growing global community of Power Searchers.’

With more and more of the world's content online, it is critical that students understand how to effectively use web search to find quality sources appropriate to their task. Google have created a series of lessons to help you guide your students to use search meaningfully in their schoolwork and beyond.

A Google A Day challenges help your students put their search skills to the test, and to get your classroom engaged and excited about using technology to discover the world around them.

Tools to Spot Fake News

Explore more than 338 billion web pages saved over time

Reverse Image Search

Search by image and find where that image appears online

In Google Chrome, right-click on an image and select "search Google for image"

If TinEye or Google Reverse Image Search don't work, perhaps try and EXIF Viewer. It could possibly tell you a bit more about how it was taken (or where, if you're trying to look up how you can visit the location of a stunning photograph you saw)