Coaching Mix

Meet them where they are

To fully assist teachers with technology integration, we need to meet them where they are and customise our methods and programs based on user need.

  • Align with school goals

  • Teacher feedback from professional development is crucial in developing further programs

  • Needs assessment and surveys. An initial needs assessment to be delivered at the start of the year to determine a professional development plan. Additional surveys throughout the year to address further needs [Google Forms Example 1 | Example 2, Example 3]

  • Analyse the data [Example]

Traditional Training/Coaching Methods

There are many strategies that can be employed to train and engage teachers with digital learning:

Individual/small group training

Tutorial Screencasts and Videos

Tutorial Guidebooks

Site-based face-to-face learning sessions

Digital Technologies Website for Staff

Zoom/Hangout/Skype meetings

Appointment slot bookings via websites such as or appointment slots in Google Calendar

Demonstration lessons



Further Digital Training/Coaching Ideas for your school

Use models such as SAMR and Technology Integration Matrix

High Impact Coaching Model
ISTE Session - Everyone Needs a Coach