At Founders, we believe that athletics enhances the students’ cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being. Our athletics program provides the students with opportunities to compete against other schools, to be challenged as individuals, and to learn to work with others to achieve goals as a team.

We also believe that athletics serve as a forum for the test and exercise of virtue in the world. As an intense competition limited in duration, an athletic contest serves as a test of character, mind, and body, exposing both weaknesses and strengths. Participation in athletics produces a host of benefits, including physical fitness, emotional health, mental stamina, growth in leadership and teamwork, and improvements in strength and endurance.

February 11-15, 2019:


JANUARY 14, 2019:


  • All athletic paperwork is due Friday, February 1, 2019.

Athletic Calendar for 2018/19:

FCA Frisco Athletic Fees 2018-2019

Athletic participation fees are required from each student-athlete representing Founders Classical Academy of Frisco in any sports competition. These funds help offset league registration fees, uniform and equipment costs, coaching stipends, and general athletic operational costs. The fee for each sport must be submitted to FCA Frisco prior to the first practice.

Registration fees for each sport:

  • Cross country $75
  • Basketball $150
  • Volleyball $175
  • Soccer $150
  • Baseball $150
  • Tennis $100
  • Golf $100