
What is Sadness?

Sadness is a natural human emotion. Like other emotions, sad feelings come and go. Sometimes sad feelings last only a moment. Other times, sadness lasts longer or feels extra strong.  (

When Sadness is Depression

When you're in a sad mood, it can seem like it will last forever. But usually feelings of sadness don't last very long — a few moments, a few hours, or maybe a day or two. 

But sometimes sad feelings go on for too long, hurt too deeply, and make it hard to enjoy the good things about life. This deeper sadness that lasts a lot longer is called depression.

Depression can make it seem like problems are too big to deal with. People who are depressed might think things will never get better. They might feel like they are worthless or bad. They may be sad or grumpy for weeks, or even longer. They might not want to hang out anymore or feel too tired to do things like play, go to school, or go to work. (



Hiding Depression

Depression vs. Sadness

Signs of Depression

Depression:  Please talk to a trusted adult if you feel:

Coping with Sadness and Depression


Thoughts of harming yourself?  Worried about a friend? Seek help NOW!

Suicide and Crisis Prevention - Call or Text 988

Crisis Line- Text MN to 741741

Hennepin Country Children's Crisis - 612-378-2233

Trevor Project (LGBTQIA+) - 1-866-488-7386 or text START to 678678

Brain Pop - Depression

Kids Health