
What is Grief? 

Grief is the reaction we have in response to a death or loss. Grief can affect our body, mind, emotions, and spirit.   (


Stages of Grief

The stages of grief don't necessarily occur in order, and the person grieving may move between stages.

How Grief Impacts Your Body

How to Manage Grief

Express feelings and find support

Think of someone you can share your feelings with, someone who will listen and understand. Find time to talk to that person about what you're going through and how the loss is affecting you. Notice how you feel after sharing and talking. Being with others helps you, and your presence — and words — can support them, too.

Find Meaning

We can learn from loss and difficult experiences. Think about what you've discovered about yourself, about others, or about life as a result of going through this loss. To help get started, you can try writing down answers to these questions:

Take Care of Yourself

The loss of someone close to you can be stressful. Take care of yourself in small but important ways:

How to Help Others Who May be Grieving
