
What is Anger?

Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. ... It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems. But excessive anger can cause problems. (APA)


Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?

Anger Management Techniques

How Anger is Affecting You

How Does Anger Impact You? What Can You Do?

Anger impacts communication: When sharing, keep the focus on yourself and how you feel when you’re angry. Avoid comments that blame or criticize others for your reactions. Instead, you use phrases like, “I feel,” or, “When you said x, I felt y.” Acknowledging your truth avoids blame and invites cooperation.

Anger impacts health: When you feel anger, pay attention to the early, physical signs of anger like increased heart rate, sweating, and muscle tension. Use those signs as guideposts to take a break, relax or get support. Find ways to express anger physically to release the body’s tension.

Anger impacts emotions: Avoiding feelings often leads to addictive behaviors like using alcohol, drugs, or stress eating, particularly when angry. Any compulsive activity serves to cover up painful emotions. So instead, give yourself permission to feel all your feelings, be mindful of them. Name the feelings and choose healthier ways to process them, like exercise, pounding or screaming into a pillow, journaling, or drawing about your feelings.

Anger impacts trust: Healthy relationships thrive on authenticity. Admitting what bothers you takes courage but also rebuilds trust. People who love you want to hear what you have to say.

Strategies to Manage Anger

Develop a feeling vocabulary

Use self-talk to calm yourself

Pound it out on a pillow or exercise

Find a calm spot

Write it down and tear it up

Stop and breathe

Use the (1+3+10 = CALM) method

Imagine a peaceful place

Write or draw about your feelings

Focus on solutions

Talk about it with someone

Use humor to help break the tension
