Physical Education

2023-2024 Physical Education

Locker Registration

Please click the link here to register your locker for the school year.  Thank you!


Welcome to the Edgemont Junior Senior High School Physical Education website.  Please find included more information about our department and what we offer students here at Edgemont.  If you have additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher.  We wish you a wonderful Physical Education experience here at Edgemont Junior Senior high School.

Physical Education Philosophy

To provide the following opportunities:

Staff Introduction

Mr. Craig Moses: 7-12 PE, Icap and 10th Grade Health

Mr. Dan Orza, 7-12 PE and Nutrition

Ms. Tobey-Anne Saracino, 7-12 PE and First Aid, CPR/AED

Mrs. Danielle Schaare, 7-12 PE and 7th grade Health

Mr. Anthony De Rosa, Athletic Director and Teacher Leader - Physical Education K-12