"Do Tomorrow" Teacher Clarity Resources

"Do Tomorrow" Engagement Resources- Teacher Clarity

"Do Tomorrow" Teacher Clarity Note-Taking Template

Learning Intentions Resources

Learning Intentions in the Elementary Classroom

See how an elementary teachers sets learning intentions with her students.

Sharing Learning Objectives & Outcomes

A middle school teacher shares learning objectives and success criteria with students.

Making Learning Visible Through Learning Intentions

See how a secondary teacher uses learning intentions with his students.

Establishing the Objective & Articulating the Success Criteria

Start at 1:30. This elementary teacher reviews the learning goal and what success will look like.

A blog post on using learning goals in math.

Success Criteria & Rationale Resources

Dyer discusses how to create success criteria that have maximum impact.

Writing Tips for Learning Goals and Success Criteria.pdf

Writing Tips for Learning Goals & Success Criteria

This guide contrasts the idea of a learning goal with success criteria, while also providing examples of each.

Establishing Success Criteria for a Writing Task

This elementary teacher establishes success criteria for a task, rather than just at the beginning of a new skill/lesson.

Help students progress towards learning targets with criteria for success.

Making Success Criteria Visible

4th grade teacher Melissa Noble discusses using success criteria while teaching writing.

Chris Suurtamm on Success Criteria

Suurtamm discusses how to broaden the way we use learning intentions and success criteria.