Action Planning

Why: Professional Learning becomes most meaningful in the way we put it into practice. No theory, strategy, or program--no matter how great--will lead to student or teacher success if it sits on a shelf. Implementing meaningful professional learning includes identifying deliberate action steps; as well as anticipating and addressing obstacles along the way. We increase our likelihood for success when we engage in thorough planning and practice. We turn great ideas into durable change when we also measure our progress along the way.

Outcome: Teams will create a comprehensive plan to implement an instructional strategy in their classroom and explore how to share their practice with their colleagues, measure their implementation, and create an accountability plan.

Activity 1: Objective and Key Result

  • Step 1: Objectives Commit to at least two objectives to bring Questioning and Micro-Teaching to life at your school. Consider also what you plan to achieve by implementing this strategy.
  • Step 2: Key Results Articulate what each objective will look like and sound like when it has been achieved at your school.
  • Step 3: Measures Select at least one measure for each of the identified objectives.

Step 4: Preparation Identify discrete actions to take based on what you identified as your Objectives and Key Results for Questioning and Micro-Teaching.

Action Planning template