Bibliographies and In-Text Referencing

Guide: How to cite an Online image or video in Harvard style

Guide: How to cite an online image or video in Harvard style.

Bibliography Writing Guide

It is important to complete a bibliography and attach it to your assignment work. The sources of information you use in your assignments must be referenced correctly otherwise you are committing PLAGIARISM. The clip below explains plagiarism and the importance of a bibliography. Read the attached pamphlet for more detailed information on how to reference different types of information sources. At Lyneham High School we use the Harvard style of referencing.

Tips for Bibliographies

1. The bibliography is at the very end of your assignment starting on a new page.

2. The bibliography heading should be at the top of the page.

3. Bibliographies include all sources cited in your work plus other relevant sources that were not cited but were part of your further reading.

4. A bibliography is listed in alphabetical order by the last name of the author.

5. Do not indent the first line in the citation. If It is longer than one line then indent the subsequent lines

approximately 1.5 cm.

6. Follow the citation conventions of your school.

Click on the button below to read and/or print a copy of the information pamphlet.

Click on the button below for tips to avoid plagiarism

Citing Sources in your Assignment

There are three ways to show your use of other people's ideas in your work:

  • Paraphrased in your own words.
  • As a partial quote within your sentence.
  • As a full quote within your paragragh.

Click on the button below to read and/or print a copy of the information pamphlet.

Watch the short clip below to learn how to correctly cite sources.

Useful Verbs to use with In-Text Citations

Verbs convey:

  • factual information,
  • what the author thought,
  • what the author found out,
  • what the author concluded.

Read the attached pamphlet to give you a list of lots of different verbs to use so your assignment writing is not repetitive.

Use the button below to read and/or print a copy of the information pamphlet.

Annotated Bibliography writing

An annotated bibliography provides a brief overview of the available research on a topic. It is a list of information sources that includes concise descriptions and evaluations of each source.

Annotations usually contain:

  • a brief summary of content
  • a short analysis or evaluation (depending on your assignment you may be asked to summarise, critique, evaluate or analyse a source).

An annotated bibliography follows the general rules for academic writing:

  • arrange in alphabetical order
  • write in a single paragraph usually 100-300 words.
  • Write in full sentences
  • be concise
  • and do not repeat information such as the title that is already in your citation.

Use the button below to read and/or print a copy of the information pamphlet.

How to cite works of Literature

Quotations are the repition of a group of words from a text by someone other than the original author. The function of quotations are:

  • to demonstrate your knowledge of the text
  • to provide solid evidence for your arguments
  • to provide credibility to your argument.

As with research assignments it is PLAGIARISM to use the original authors words in your essay without inserting them in quotation marks and italics.

For detailed examples of how to insert quotes in English essays and detailed formatting guidelines read the pamphlet attached. The two clips below also provide information on how to use quotes in literary essays.

Click on the button below to read and/or print a copy of the information pamphlet.

The following clips help explain how to quote in an essay.

Things to remember:

  • The essay text should be double spaced.
  • Quotes single spaced.
  • Quotes are in italiacs and quotation marks when part of a sentence.
  • Quotes are used to support or prove what you are saying.
  • Avoid qoutes that are too long.
  • Each new point requires proof from the text.
  • Write the bibliographical details of the novel at the end of the essay including edition i.e.

Author Surname. Initial. (year published), Title, ed, Publisher, Place of Publication


Copyright must be considered when using other peoples work.

What does copyright mean?

According to the National Library of Australia,

"Copyright is the legal right that gives owners the right to control certain activities with their works. These activities include copying and re-use, such as publication, performance, adaptation and communicating the work to the public (for example by making it available online)."

National Library of Australia n.d About Copyright viewed 20 March 2020

To be sure you are not making copyright infringements the below link to Smartcopying can give you relevant information. Smartcopying is the official guide for Australian schools to clarify copyright issues.

Below are three links:

  • two sites that are examples of the many sites that can help you with your referencing
  • and the other is a site which has a quiz to test your referencing skills, as although referencing sites will do the reference for you, understanding the correct information required for a reference is essential for those sites to generate an accurate reference.