
Registering for ENEE 699/799/898

To register for ENEE699: Independent Study, ENEE799: Master’s Thesis Research and/or ENEE898: Pre-candidacy Doctoral Research you must submit the appropriate paperwork for the particular course at least two weeks before the start of the semester in which you wish to register.

For ENEE699, you must complete the Approval Form for Independent Study (ENEE 699). For ENEE 799/898, you must complete the Approval Form for Research Registration (ENEE 799/889/898). In all cases, the signature of the faculty member who is to supervise the studies or research must be obtained. The faculty member’s “section number” must be entered on the form. Section numbers can be obtained from the Graduate Studies Office or in the Faculty Section Numbers section of this Graduate Handbook. Once the completed forms have been submitted to the ECE Graduate Studies Office, permission will be granted so that you may register for these courses on Testudo.

Registering for ENEE 400-level courses

To register for ENEE undergraduate courses, please request permission from the ECE Undergraduate Studies Office by filling out their online request form. Priority will be given to ECE undergraduate students, and permission may not be given before the start of classes. Permission will not be granted for graduate students to enroll in ENEE408 Capstone Courses.

Grading Methods

Grading Methods

From the Graduate Catalog:

Grading Systems: The conventional A through F grading system is used in graduate level courses. A "satisfactory or failure" (S-F) grading system may be used for certain types of graduate study at the discretion of the graduate program. These include courses that require independent fieldwork, special projects, or independent study. Graduate program seminars, workshops, and graduate program courses in instructional methods may also be appropriate for the S-F grading system. The "pass-fail" grading system is not available for graduate students. However, a graduate program may allow, in certain cases, a graduate student to use the pass-fail option for 100-300 level courses. Graduate credit may not be earned for these courses. Either the A-F or the S-F grading system may be used for Master's Thesis (799), and Pre-candidacy (898) and Doctoral Dissertation (899) Research, as well as for courses labeled "Independent Study" or "Special Problems." Only one grading system may be used per course in a particular semester except for thesis and dissertation credits. The grading system will be designated by the student's graduate program or the graduate program offering the course.