Department Overview

The chief administrative officer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is the chair. This position is currently held by Professor Sennur Ulukus. Several associate chairs assist in the administration of the department: Professors Thomas Murphy (research and faculty affairs) Gilmer Blankenship (external affairs), Donald Yeung (undergraduate studies), and Behtash Babadi (graduate studies and research). 

Many academic and administrative functions of the department are organized around the following five technical areas

An important role in the administrative operation of the department is also played by the Department Council and several standing departmental committees: General Academic Affairs, Graduate Studies and Research, Human Relations and Welfare, Facilities and Services, Undergraduate Affairs, Salary, and Promotion and Tenure. Graduate students have representatives on the council and on the first four committees. Elections for graduate student representatives are coordinated by the ECE Graduate Student Association (ECEGSA). Also, the Graduate Studies and Research Committee (GSRC) is supported by area advisors, who are non-voting members of the committee. Area advisors are faculty members, one from each of the department’s five technical areas and appointed by the associate chair for graduate studies and research, who can advise the committee as well as graduate students.

Important Contact Information


The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland has 60 full-time professors, 11 affiliate faculty members, 50 research faculty and post-docs, and 11 professors emeriti who perform research in the following areas: 

Among faculty members, there are 10 NSF presidential young investigators, 14 recipients of NSF CAREER awards, 32 IEEE fellows, two NAE members, two ACM fellows, 10 APS fellows, three OSA fellows and two ASA fellows.

Information about our faculty and their research areas may be found on our faculty research website

An alphabetical list of our faculty, including adjunct and research faculty, may be found at our faculty directory.