Friday 25th October 2024


Dear Families, 

it's hard to believe we have come to the end of the first half term, well done to all of the children for settling into their classes and working hard.  Next half term will be busy no doubt, but we look forward to all of the exciting opportunities we will have in school and the fun and excitement of Christmas. 

When we return from half term we will be selling poppies, slap bands and keyrings for a minimum donation of £1.  Children can bring their £1 to school and go to the office at playtime to purchase an item. 

On Friday 8th November children are invited to come to school in exchange for a gift which will be donated to the Spirit of Christmas.  The Spirit of Christmas is a charity which support many families in the local area.  The aim of their Christmas Toy Bank is to provide free toys so that no child wakes up on Christmas Day without a special present to open.  We invite all children to bring in a gift suitable for a child, this can be a toy, jigsaw puzzle, game, a book or a piece of stationary.  The items can be pre-loved, we just ask that whatever you send is something you would be happy for your child to open on Christmas morning.  

Below you will find important dates for Christmas time, this includes performance, disco, panto and other important events.  We hope if is helpful to have this information well in advance.

Information has been shared with you today, via Parent Hub, with regards to a vacancy on the governing body in the capacity of parent governor.  Further information can be obtained from Mrs Danks if you require it and forms are in the family room for those wishing to apply. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Winter 

If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of a child in school please contact myself

Mr Metcalfe or Mrs Danbury who are the safeguarding leads. 


Dear parents and carers,

As we come to the end of our first half term of 2024/2024 I would like to thank you all for your ongoing support with your child's attendance. We hold an Attendance Assembly every week in school and this weeks we got to celebrate our positive attendance. A huge well done to Team Derwent who came out top in our attendance leader board! 

8 children from our KS1 and KS2 classes also brought home a certificate for a free game at Selby Superbowl for having a 100% attendance for the month of October!  A huge well done to these children and all those other children who had 100%.

We are also continuing to see various classes earn non-uniform days through regular whole class attendance. This a joy to see and they love a non-uniform day!

I hope you all have a well deserved rest over half term.

Thank you

Steve Metcalfe

Attendance Lead


What's Cooking?

I have continued working with Team Wharfe this week and also started working with Team Ouse.  We have continued to make Yo Yo Biscuits in celebration of what they have been learning in the classroom (old and new toys).  They have tried many new skills including using digital scales, using a rolling pin and cutters and showed excellent spreading skills when it came to icing the biscuits. They also learnt about where flour comes from and the process it goes through to get to the shops.

I also spent some time with a small group of children who took part in a fabulous sensory session.  We rolled, sprinkled, spread, squeezed and mixed!  What a fantastic afternoon we all had.  I do hope you all enjoyed your yo yo biscuits.

Well done to all the children who have attended cook school recently, your biscuits looked delicious.  I do hope you enjoy sharing them!

Mrs Soper

Cook School Lead


Breakfast Club starts from 7:30 a.m. with breakfast being served until 8:15 a.m. 

After School finish times are 5:00 p.m and 5:30 p.m. 

When booking you will be charged accordingly for the finish time chosen by you. 

It is important that you arrive on time due to staffing ratios. This will also result in a late fee which will need to be cleared before attending future bookings. 



28th October - 1st November - Half Term Holiday (School closed to all)

31st October - Portal for Secondary School Admissions closes 

4th November - School Reopens

7th November - Open Afternoon for prospective new parents (1:30pm - 3:00pm see below for more information)

20th - 26th November - Book Fayre (Further information to be shared closer to the time)

26th & 28th November - Whole school Open Doors Event

20th December - Last Day of Term and After School Club Closed 

23rd December - 4th January 2025 - Christmas Holiday (school closed to all) 

6th January 2025 - Teacher Training Day

7th January - School reopens to children

15th January - Portal for Primary School Admissions closes 


Friday 8th November - Non-Uniform Day (Donations for Spirit of Christmas)

Tuesday 3rd December - FOSHA Christmas Disco

Thursday 5th December - Christmas lunch with Christmas Jumpers

Thursday 12th December - Christmas Jumper Day

Monday 9th December - EYFS Christmas Party

Tuesday 10th December 2pm - EYFS Christmas Performance

 Friday 13th December 9:30 am - EYFS Christmas Performance

Monday 16th December 9:30 am - KS2 Christmas Performance

Monday 16th December 2 pm - KS1 Christmas Performance

Tuesday 17th December - KS1 Christmas Party

Wednesday 18th December 9:30 am - KS1 Christmas Performance

Wednesday 18th December 2:00 pm - KS2 Christmas Performance

Thursday 19th December - KS2 Panto Visit and Christmas Party

Friday 20th December - Last Day of term (After School Club closed to all children)

Further information regarding the events above will be shared closer to the time.


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We all hope you have a wonderful and well deserved half term break. A lot of children have been sharing their excitement over Halloween and going Trick or Treating. It was great seeing all the fantastic costumes at our Halloween discos yesterday and we hope that the children enjoy trick or treating next week. 

On Wednesday we had PCSO Joe Spooner in school. PCSO Spooner deliver an assembly to our KS1 and KS2 children around keeping safe at Halloween. Below I have shared some of the tips that he shared with our children;

Road awareness – The combination of darker trick-or-treating hours and prominently dark outfits can make people harder to spot for drivers. Make sure you increase the care with which you approach roads and check that drivers have seen you before crossing. 

Keep together – While leniency may vary depending on your location and other factors, typically children under 12 shouldn’t be out on Halloween night without an adult accompanying. Older children may want to go out alone but should stay within a familiar area and travel in larger groups for increased safety. 

Choosing which houses to visit – When visiting homes to trick-or-treat be mindful that not everyone may be welcoming or even interested in acknowledging Halloween. Some people may have young children or pets that do not want to be disturbed To avoid unpleasantries stick to houses with well-lit fronts and/or blinds open with Pumpkins or Halloween decorations up, as they are likely to be more in the spirit of things. Close friends and family are particularly ideal! 

Torches – Complimenting your Halloween group with a torch is always a smart idea, both to light the way and in the event of an emergency. Be careful not to shine it at passing cars or in peoples faces.

Thank you all

Mr Metcalfe

Designated Safeguarding Lead


To help you get on with your day and not waiting for a member of the team become available, we would like to ask for the following:

Whilst it can be easy to speak to someone face to face we will request that most queries be emailed across so they can be passed on to the member of staff so information is not missed. 

Please can we also ask that if using the disabled bays when collecting and dropping off that the gates are closed behind you for safeguarding purposes. 


Parent-Registration-Letter Cool Milk.pdf



Hello, happy Friday! 

Thank you to everyone who attended our Halloween disco last night, we all had a great time and hope the children did too. We raised £550, which I'm sure you will agree is an incredible amount.

I'd also like to thank all our parent helpers and the staff who gave up their time, these events would not be possible without you- thank you!!

All the fundraising we do goes to support our school. We have recently contributed towards the chippings for the Sensory Garden, an area which will be so valuable to all the children.

Our next event is on the 8th November where we are asking children to come in non school uniform and bring a donation of - a piece of stationary, a small toy or a book, these do not have to be new but we ask that they are in a condition that you would be happy to receive as a gift. These will be donated to the Spirit of Christmas and will be gifted to children and families in our local area! 

Finally, our next meeting is on the 12th November at 3.30pm- we would love to see you there!

We hope you have a fantastic half term,

Your FOSHA committee 



Spooky Season is Upon Us! 

As Halloween is soon approaching in the Autumn Half Term break, our friends at Osborne House are extending an invitation for the children in Team Staynor to celebrate Halloween with the residents at the care home. 

The invitation is for Thursday 31st October between 2pm-4pm and children can come with their parents to take part in some Halloween activities such as share some spooky children’s stories, complete some art activities, play some games  and enjoy some Trick or Treat sweets with residents. Fancy Dress is highly encouraged! :) 

If you are planning to attend please RSVP through the attached Google Form by Thursday  24th October to allow Osborne House to prepare accordingly. 

Trick or Treat!


October Camp flyer 2024 (1).pdf


Santa comes to Murton Park every Christmas and this year he has decided to decorate his house but he needs help. We're asking children to draw Santa a picture for his wall to win an art bundle (one runner up will win some Murton Park stationery). The winner will also have their picture displayed in Santa's house. 

To enter:


 Pictures can be of anything they think Santa might like (max. size A4)

 Include the child's first name, age, and contact details

 Post it to: Santa's Art Competition, Murton Park, Murton Lane, Murton YO19 5UF or email it to

 Deadline: Friday 15th November 2024

Alternatively if you would like Miss Spark to post your entry please can be this in no later than 13th November 2024


Parent Carer Voice North Yorkshire - Wednesday 13th November 2024.pdf