Team HUMBER (year 6)

weekly update

Good afternoon, 

Wow, I cannot believe it’s half term already. The weeks have flown by! The children have made a fabulous start with their final pieces about the evacuation of Dunkirk. I can’t wait to read them when they’re finished! 

Coming up next week: 

It’s our first Learn Through Week of the year, focusing on being the best version of ourselves. We’re going to continue focusing on World War 2 within this, as well as focusing on ourselves. 

English:  the children will be finishing their mastery piece of writing for the stories based on the evacuation of Dunkirk, as well as writing a short factfile on people from the war who set good examples of themselves. 

Maths - the children will be comparing numbers up to 10,000,000 and positioning numbers on a number line. 

Curriculum - the children will be learning about a wonderful example of people showing the best version of themselves in how Allies were successful on D-Day. We will also be learning about how people were encouraged to show the best version of themselves through propaganda. 


The children will be learning about how to show the best version of themselves and make the right decision when they are in an adverse situation. 

Don’t forget to keep checking Twitter to see what learning we have been up to! 

We will not be setting Team Humber any homework this half term and hope they enjoy a well - deserved break!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office. 

Thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful half term break

Kind regards, 

Mrs Danbury