Mrs. Lauer

Welcome to Room 205!

Contact me:

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Meet Mrs. Lauer

Hi! My name is Mrs. Lauer and I am so excited to be your fourth grade teacher! This year I will be teaching ELA and Social Studies!

Let me tell you a little about myself. I received my bachelor’s degree from Washington and Jefferson College in Child Development and Education along with Special Education. I am originally from Pittsburgh, but moved here three years ago and have been with East Penn ever since. I live in Macungie with my husband and our puppy, Layla; we’re also expecting our first child in January. In my spare time, I love to go swimming, reading new books, spending time with my family, and taking Layla to the dog park.

I am so excited to be your teacher this year and getting to know you better! I will see you on August 29th!


Homework for all 4th grade classes is updated daily on a shared Google Doc. Please access the homework page here.


Day 1: No Special (iPads, Book Buddies, etc.)

Day 2: Library

Day 3: HWF

Day 4: Art

Day 5: Music

4th Grade Supply List:

Qty: Item:

2 24 Pack Crayola Crayons

1 12 Pack Crayola Colored Pencils

1-2 Packs of Wooden #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga brand recommended)

2-3 Thin EXPO dry erase markers

2-3 Thick EXPO dry erase markers

2-3 Elmer’s Glue sticks

1-2 Highlighters

2 Pairs of scissors

2 Pairs of earbuds/headphones

1 Small, personal pencil sharpener (non-motorized)

1 Pencil pouch to hold supplies

1 Composition Notebook

Extra erasers (regular pink erasers and/or pencil top erasers)

Throughout the school year, we will be using a lot of tissues, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes. Students also go through a CRAZY amount of pencils. Any donations of these items are greatly appreciated!