Unit 4:

New Notes & New Scales

The next several weeks we will finally be getting onto the 4th and final string on our instruments; the E-String for violin & bass, the C-String for viola & `cello. This opens up a couple new scales that we can play, the C-scale for everyone, and 2 octave (8va) scales for violin, viola, and `cello. The number of pieces you have available in your repertoire are greatly expanded by having access to all 4 strings!

E-String Notes & Pentatonic Scale - Pg. 38

Violins & bass players are introduced to the notes on E-String for the first time. We will also look at the open sound of a pentatonic scale, which is found in #192 & 194.

Independent (Unblocked) Fingering & High G-Scale - Pg. 39

Occasionally, the combinations of notes in our music cause some challenging finger movements to play successfully. While most of the time we should be playing with all of your fingers down (blocked fingering), sometimes using the fingers independently is required. In this video, we will look at some of those different occasions as we are introduced to independent (or unblocked) fingering. Violins also are introduced to the high-G scale.

The C-Scale & C String (Viola & `Cello) - Pg. 40 & 41

Mr. Williams talks about the key of C Major, the C Major scale, and things to consider while playing these pieces of music.