Unit 1:

G-String, Slurs, & 8th Notes

The first 4-6 weeks of the 5th grade year are spent expanding our basic skills on our instrument. We first start out learning our G-String notes on Violin, Viola, & `Cello, and expanding our range on the bass. Weeks 3 & 4 focus on learning the art of slurs and recognizing a tie, and how that is played differently than a slur. Weeks 5 & 6 focus on integrating the 8th note into the music, and how the bowing has to work to make it sound amazing!

G-String Notes - Pg 26

Violin, Viola, Cello

Mr. Williams shows you how to read and play notes on your G-String.


Mr. Williams shows bass students how to play C-natural on the A String, and your low G on the E String.

The G-Major Scale - Pg 27

Mr. Williams demonstrates the new G-Major Scale, that you can now play utilizing the new notes learned on Page 26.

Slurs - Pg 28

Mr. Williams shows you what a slur is and how to perform it on your instrument. Refer to the top page 28 in String Basics Book 1

Ties vs. Slurs - Pg 29

Mr. Williams talks about what ties are, and how they are different from slurs. Refer to the top of page 29 in String Basics Book 1.

Eighth Notes - Pg 30

Mr. Williams discusses how to play and count eighth notes on your instrument. This includes a new method of counting, called the Eastman Method.

Incorporating 8th Notes - Pg 31

Mr. Williams will talk about incorporating different rhythms into a piece of music.