Unit 3:

3/4 Time & Changing Key Signatures

The next several weeks were are going to be learning a new time signature, and then (and maybe more importantly) will be applying all of the key signature and fingerboard geography stuff we learned on the last play to work.

3/4 Time Signature & Changing Key Signatures - Pg. 36

On page 36 we start exploring the 3/4 time signature and what that means for adding accents to the music. Being in 3/4 time, we also add a dotted half note (3 beats) to fill a full 3/4 bar. This page is also the first time that we experience multiple key signatures right in a row. Knowing your Fingerboard Geography is critical for success!

Learning 3/4 Time Signature

Currently we don't have a video created for the 3/4 time signature, but this video does a great job showing how to count a piece in 3/4 time and how dotted half notes are played. The last couple rhythm combinations are a bit advanced compared to what we are doing, but are a great example of what you will see in the future.

Key Signatures and Fingerboard Geography

On pg. 36 & 37, you will experience all 3 key signatures that we will be playing this year. It's critical that you look carefully at every key signature before you start performing the piece and think about how your fingerboard geography will change for each piece. Below you can find the FB Geography for the Key of D Major (F# & C#), Key of G Major (F#), and Key of C Major (All naturals) for your instrument. Study these diagrams carefully. You need to commit these to memory this year to be successful changing keys rapidly. Practicing your scales every day helps you to adapt and memorize your FB Geographies for each key.

Scroll through the charts below to find your instrument's fingerboard geography.

3 Note Slurs & Key Signatures - Pg. 37

On page 37 we add a 3rd note option to a slur. This helps move us forward to playing smooth & flowing dances like the Waltz. We continue to look at the challenge of changing key signatures in several advanced music selections.

Sleeping Beauty Waltz

Pay attention to the smooth sound and the emphasis on beat 1

Start at 36:57

Minuet Example

While this isn't the Bach Minuet, this video of Handel's Water Music Minuet gives a great example of how this dance differs from the smooth waltz.