Rivers of Sunlight: how the sun moves water around the earth

Goodreads Summary:

In this brightly illustrated narrative, readers will learn about the constant movement of water as it flows around the Earth and the sun's important role as water changes between liquid, vapor, and ice. From sea to sky, the sun both heats and cools water, ensuring that life can exist on Earth. How does the sun keep ocean currents moving, and lift fresh water from the seas? And what can we do to conserve one of our planet's most precious resources?

Local Reviews:

Nicky, Winesburg sixth grade: The book was very creative and I really liked the way that the illustrator made all of the colors blend together and even better the story is nonfiction.

Finn, Winesburg sixth grade: This book had good details about the theme. The book had lots of beautiful colors. The pictures helped describe the book. The theme was very descriptive. In closing, the book was very good.

CJ, Winesburg fourth grade: The book talks about a lot places of water and it talks about the water cycle. The book was great and pictures were painted. It is a book that is very colorful and the pictures make it amazing to read. This book is about water. I like the book a lot.

Dylan, Winesburg third grade: This book is all about the water cycle. The pictures are outlined. The pictures are bright. I liked this book and I think you would too.

Jeremy, Winesburg third grade: The book is nonfiction. It has nice pictures. It has a picture of a boy that has a red shirt. I like the book.

Ashton, Walnut Creek fourth grade: This book, in my opinion, has good illustrations but the story isn't that good. If you're wondering how the sun and earth moves, this could be your book. It is detailed but I'm just not really into it.