
East Taieri School Hockey 2024

Please see below information about the 2024 Hockey season. Please click on the link below to register your child.

Years 1&2 options: There are two options for Yr 1/2 children this year. The first option is the fundamental skills programme that is run by Otago Hockey on a Friday afternoon at Taieri College. This is for beginners and is a great introduction to basic hockey skills, you will register your child for this programme directly with Otago Hockey.

T he second option is the Yr 1&2 Fun sticks competition that is played on a Wednesday afternoon (further information is below). 

Yr 1&2 Fun Sticks: This year the addition of the Year 1&2 Mini Sticks competition has been added which is exciting. It will run the same as the Yr 3&4 competition - The children will train and Play games, great coaching from Otago Hockey Coaches first and then a game against another school to finish.

Mini Sticks:  Years 3&4, Modified field-6 a-side games - held at McMillan Turf in Dunedin on a Wednesday afternoon.  Game times vary week to week from 3.30 - 5.30pm.  Great coaching from Otago Hockey Coaches first and then a game to practice the new skills.

Kiwi Sticks:  Years 5&6, Modified field-6 a-side games - held at McMillan Turf in Dunedin or the new Kings High School Turf or at Taieri College's new Turf on a Wednesday afternoon .  Game times vary week to week from 3.30 - 6.00pm

All players must have a mouth guard and shinpads before they will be allowed on the turf.

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Phillips  (Teacher in Charge of Hockey) 

Wednesday afternoon Years 1-6 Registration Link 2024

 Year 1 / 2 Friday afternoon Fun Sticks registration link - Directly to Hockey Otago

East Taieri School Hockey Teams 2023

Check out the OHA website on the blue button above.

Weekly Draw for Wednesday

Yr 3/4 Speedy Sticks - TBC for 2022

Yr 5/6 Super Sticks -