
Sports Day July 2023

Our Sports Day was a real success thanks to the hard work of its organisers, the support of our parents and the enthusiastic participation from Blue Class! Thanks for everyone who helped with a fantastic day!

Tug of War - a favourite!


Races - skipping, spot challenge and dribbling footballs!

The classic egg and spoon race!

The sack race!

Running - the final sprints!

Year 3 Blue in rehearsal

Building up to our end-of-year show performing the 'Bear That Wasn't' with Jack Medlin, a drama professional working with the Voices in the Future projects, Blue Class attempt to make human pyramids! Come and see our show on Monday 10th July at 9:30!

Mathematics - Properties of 3D Shapes

We have been learning to identify different 3d shapes and to count their edges, faces and vertices - key words we need to know! We used that knowledge to complete challenges making the shapes with matchsticks and blu-tac. 

3 Blue made cubes, cuboids, square-based pyramids, traingle-based pyramids and triangular prisms. They worked very well in their partnerships too!

Blue class completed challenge after challenge and showed they could use their models to remember those key words. Some enterprising students went further and managed to create pentagonal and hexagonal prisms!

Design & Technology - Food! 3 Blue makes guacamole!

In our first lesson on food preparation, we made guacamole. 3 Blue practised good food hygiene, chopping vegetables safely and putting together a simple recipe for a nutritious snack. Some pupils liked it so much, they made it for their families at home!

Iman using her knowledge and skills to make guacamole at home for her family below!

Music lessons - Blue Class learns the ukulele!

Our Music teacher, Ms Dollander, has been teaching us to play chords on the ukulele in time to music!

Visit to City Farm at Spitalfields in Whitechapel

Spitalfields City Farm is an animal-friendly space in London that grows plants and rescues farm animals. It is free to visit! Year 3 have gone there to help support our learning in Geography on agriculture. In this unit we have looked at how food is produced, distributed and processed as well as considered how it can be done more sustainably.

We learned how organic matierals like straw can be reused to keep growing plants warm in the early Spring. We tasted leaves from a salt bush and then tried some food preparation ourselves in a special workshop. 

We made pesto with plants grown on the farm and tasted it on bread at the end!

The animals at Spitalfields City Farm include Holmes a 13 year-old pig and Tiffsany, a sheep who lost an ear when she was a lamb after a dog attacked her. There is a group of donkeys who are inseparable, as well as goats, chickens, rabbits, ferrets, ducks and geese. We fed the goats grass by hand ourselves!

We travelled to Shoreditch in the London Underground and Overground. After our learning for the day, we had a chance to visit the playground next door! Our trip was made possible by the huge team of parent volunteers who came to support us.

Art - Giacometti Sculptures

In Art we have looked at the work of Swiss sculptor, Alberto Giacometti and made figures in his style! We used wire to make the frame for these bodies and then wrapped them in aluminium foil. We practised different poses with our bodies and bent out sculptures into those shapes.

RE - Our Trip to the Jewish Museum in Camden

In Religious Education, or topic this term is 'What is Important to Me?'

We have looked at different types of communities and then looked at what matters to the Christian and Jewish communities.

We have learned all about the Jewish festivals of Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Pesach and Hanukkah, and have looked at stories from the Hebrew Bible.

We visited the Jewish Museum to learn more and they laid on a whole day of activities including making matzoh flatbread for Passover in their kitchen and playing with dreidels for Hanukkah. 

Thanks to our parent volunteers for making this trip possible!

What did you like most about our day?

What do you remember about Hanukkah and Passover?

Did you learn anything that surprised you?

Science - Light

We are learning about light in Autumn 2, the energy we can see! In darkness, we tested different materials to see which were the most reflective. Which material would help a driver see us in the dark best?

Science - magnets and forces

We learned about friction by testing which material changed the speed the most of a toy car as it rolled down a ramp.

Which material created the most friction?

Which material created the least friction?

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!

Earlsmead began the term celebrating Frank L. Baum's classic children's story, 'The Wizard of Oz'

After 2 weeks reading an abridged version and writing character descriptions we dressed up as the main characters or in colours from the story and enjoyed the famous 1939 Hollywood film together. Maybe you would like to read the longer, original version...!

Science - the power of magnetism!

In Autumn 1, we learned about magnets and forces in Science.

We separated metals according to which were magnetic and which were non-magentic. Can you remember the only magnetic metals?

We learned the words 'attract' and 'repel' to describe how magnetic forces pull and push each other without even touching!

BBC Children in Need 2022.docx

We are celebrating Children in Need this Friday!