NextLevel Gamification

Day 3

Review and Badges 9am

Check Quest #2 and hand out badges!

Quests/Side Missions 9:30am

A quest is a mission with an objective. Sometimes called Side Quests or Side Missions. Usually optional but can be required.

What will you call your quests?

Will they be optional or required?

Where will you post your quests for students to access?

Will students earn XP, items, or badges for quests?

What rules might you have for a quest? How many times can students turn one in? When will they be due?

Will you add an additional power up option to your quests?

Go back to your Planning Doc and add your ideas.

Identity Project- Designed off of an idea from George Couros. Find out more here:

Currency 10am

Anything that can be accumulated to gain a benefit.

What types of currency would go with your theme?

What could your currency be collected to buy?

Can students trade or put together their currency for a larger group benefit?

Will your currency be tangible or digital? If it's tangible, where will students keep it?

What rules will you have in place to reduce the temptation to cheat?

Could your currency be something else like Health Points or Battle Points instead of money?

Mini Game Break 10:15am

Quizlet will group you so get ready to move! Take your device with you and sit so that all screens in the group can be seen. Click here to join:

Mini-Games 10:45am

Mini-challenges that don't necessarily have to fit your theme, can produce a quick sense of accomplishment, give your game a boost.

I like to use all kinds of different mini-games to spice up our classroom and our game. I bring in fun board and card games from home, we do mini-engineering challenges in groups, we play Kahoot! and Quizlet Live, etc. We also do Boss Battles and Mega Boss Battles using Sumdog (a math app).

What games do you love to play that you could bring into the classroom?

Are there short design challenges that you could do in the classroom with minimal time?

Does your class play Kahoot or Quizlet Live? If so, how could you tie that into your game?

Is there a way you could tie Boss Battles or Mega Boss Battles into your classroom?

Lunch 12:00pm

The Journey 1:15pm

Goals for this Next Year:

What are your 3 main goals for your game this year?

What is your action plan to make those goals happen?

We will be spending this time working on our games and developing our action plan. Ask questions, collaborate with others, start creating!

Break 2:30pm

Mini Game Break 2:45pm

What Have You Learned? What is Your Plan?

Game Plan 3pm

Share Out! 3:30pm