Purpose Driven Learning
Click here for the PDL Posters: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzvbzmXRR5A-RnM5SHI0TlctZjA?usp=sharing
My absolute FAVORITE tech tool to use in any classroom! Works on ANY device, ANYWHERE!
Seesaw is not only a digital learning journal it's also:
- A great communication tool for teachers and families
- Builds community in the classroom
- A feedback tool
- A creation tool
- Makes thinking and learning come alive through audio and video options
- Workflow
- Integrates with Google Drive and Cloud
- Optional Blogging feature to connect with other classrooms globally
- Gives teachers an authentic way to teach digital citizenship
Check out the Seesaw Help Center which has an insane amount of great info and PD!
Book Creator
Book Creator is by far the best eBook creator out there! Book Creator offers students the ability to add:
- Pictures
- Videos
- Audio
- Drawings
- Links
- Shapes
- Text
To their eBooks or eComic Books! Students can then share their work on the web or take the link and turn it in on any LMS, Seesaw, or Google Classroom.
Additional Build Challenge
In teams you have 15 minutes to build a structure using:
masking tape
Build the Tallest Freestanding Structure: The winning team is the one that has the tallest structure measured from the table top surface to the top of the marshmallow. That means the structure cannot be suspended from a higher structure, like a chair, ceiling or chandelier.
The Entire Marshmallow must be on top: The entire marshmallow needs to be on the top of the structure. Cutting or eating part of the marshmallow disqualifies the team.
Use as Much or as Little of the Kit: The team can use as many or as few of the spaghetti sticks, as much or as little of the tape.
Break up the Spaghetti, String or Tape: Teams are free to break the spaghetti, use the other marshmallow, or cut up the tape to create new structures.
The Challenge Lasts 15 minutes: Teams cannot hold on to the structure when the time runs out. Those touching or supporting the structure at the end of the exercise will be disqualified.
Your structure must be the tallest structure able to support a full size marshmallow at the top in order to win!!
Google Docs
Google Docs can be shared in Google Classroom as:
- View Only (students can't edit)
- Shared Doc (one doc for all students in the classroom)
- Individual Docs (each student will get their own copy)
Google Forms
Google Forms can be used for:
- Surveys
- Quizzes- how to set them up and how to get scores
- Sheets of quiz answers
- Flubaroo
- Quests
- Personalized Learning
Google Slides
Google Drive
Google Drive is the hub of all of your creations. As the hub, it can get overwhelming at times. Here are some suggestions:
- Get it organized and keep it organized.
- Find out where shared items are and how to move them to your drive.
- Create docs, sheets, slides, etc. from the folder you want it to be in. Then you don't have to organize later.
Google Photos
Can be found in your Google Drive or in the Google Photos App. Best things about Google Photos:
- Can be set up to auto-save your photos from your device to your google drive which can be accessed anywhere there is internet.
- Has a sophisticated facial recognition so you are able to search your photos by the people who are in them.
- Can geotag your photos so you can group photos by where you were when you took them.
- Easily share your photos with friends and family.
- Free storage!
Google Drawings
Google Drawings can be made in Docs or in the Google Drawings Chrome App and has an infinite amount of possibilities! One of my favorites is using Google Drawing to create BookSnaps. BookSnaps were created by Tara Martin. Some reasons to use BookSnaps:
• To annotate and share excerpts of the book you’re reading
• It allows the reader to connect an idea or thought by creating a digital visual representation. The visual representation solidifies the text content within the mind and signals the brain to retrieve the idea from memory.
• Diagram the rise, fall, and climax of the plot (see an example image below)
• Highlight figurative language and imagery
• Notate character conflict and internal struggles (see example below)
• To personally connect to the text; this is my favorite!
• Point out the main idea or a supporting argument
Book Snaps
To find out more about BookSnaps, check out Tara Martin's website here: http://www.tarammartin.com/
Flipgrid and Google Classroom
Google Sites
Great for:
Classroom Websites
Gamification Journey
Chrome Extensions
Here is a great resource for Google Add-Ons and Extensions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13wwFZlRVN9zqEyXI-EwapV9Ai-4OVm1i7hP8309pT_g/edit?usp=sharing
OneTab- Saves all of your tabs so you don't lose them!
Last Pass
Tab Killer
Screencastify- Screencasting extension- saves straight to your Drive
Google Keep- great way to keep pictures, lists, reminders- integrates with Docs
ezNotifications for Docs- sends you an email when collaborators change something in a Doc
Bitmoji (adults only)- fun avatar maker- I use them in BookSnaps, messages, and even sub plans!
Share to Classroom
Alice Keeler Classroom Split- Allows students to split screen- work on one side, Classroom on the other
Alice Keeler Quick Share Screenshot
All of Alice Keeler's extensions: www.alicekeeler.com/webstore