Students with Disabilities

The transition to Remote/Hybrid learning environments has created unique challenges and increased disparities for Students with Disabilities, their families, and their teachers. It is a goal of the TRLE grant to work toward meeting the needs of this population and level the playing field through equity and opportunities for Social-emotional and academic success.

Erie 1 BOCES houses the West Regional Partnership Center (RPC) that engages in systems change work, providing a variety of supports including regional learning opportunities, targeted skills groups, and intensive partnerships. They also provide technical assistance and professional development to a variety of stakeholders. Ultimately this work is aimed toward sustainability and the sharing of promising/effective practices within the region and across the state.

Through this RethinkWNY site, the WNYRIC in collaboration with West RPC, aims to provide these valuable resources, to students, families, and teachers across WNY to aid in overcoming the obstacles that have been created with the shift to remote and hybrid learning environments.