
  • The Shadow Ridge Physical Education programs are taught from an introductory standpoint emphasizing safety first. Our sports and fitness units encourage students to engage in limited physical contact during participation.

  • The primary focus is to encourage students to master concepts of each unit. Students will develop basic fitness skills necessary to meet curriculum standards within a controlled and safe learning environment.

  • Shadow Ridge students are taught respect for others, respect for themselves, and respect for equipment throughout all Health and Fitness units.

  • It is the responsibility of students to demonstrate responsible, self-directed behavior during all health and fitness activities and to adhere to the following safety guidelines:

1. Students are required to lineup in alphabetical order immediately upon entering the gym.

2. Acts of bullying or harassment are never tolerated.

3. Students are required to follow the safety guidelines reviewed at the beginning of each unit.

4. Equipment is issued and used only under the direction of the teacher.

5. Students are required to transition from station to station safely and responsibly.

6. Students will stay in line until they are dismissed.


Any student physically capable of being in school shall suit-up for PE Class EVERY DAY in the required uniform unless prior permission has been granted by his/her instructor. Students are not allowed to wear the same attire to PE that they wear during the regular school day. Students are required to change into a school issued PE uniform. You can purchase the shirt and shorts as a set at the Bookstore for $15. These items may not be altered in any way.

  • T-shirt (must be SRHS spirit wear) - must have sleeves,
  • Shorts (must be SRHS spirit wear) - MUST be worn at hips and cover to mid-thigh
  • Sweats pants/ sweatshirts (due to cold weather)
  • Athletic Shoes and socks (must be able to run in; no open toe shoes/slips on)
  • School issued athletic gear (no leggings/spandex)


Any student not meeting the above criteria will be considered a NON-SUIT and will face the following consequence(s):

  • Loss of point(s)
  • Possible administrative referral


Students will learn how to use hardware, software, etc. in a responsible manner. Students will learn the proper uses of email and online discussions. Students understand that access and use of technology is a privilege and will treat it as such. Any use of technology that is deemed inappropriate will result in loss of access to technology and disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook.


If you are injured or sick, you must bring a note from home explaining what you can do for that day. YOU ARE STILL REQUIRED TO DRESS DOWN. If the injury or illness is going to last TWO days or longer, you must have a doctor’s note. Please report all injuries that occur during class to the instructor immediately. Limited/modified activity will be prescribed by the teacher for any disabled student. In the case of a major injury or illness, special scheduling will be arranged with a doctor’s note.


Make-ups will be allowed each semester for EXCUSED absences only. Written make-ups may be assigned by the teacher for injured students. Students may NOT make-up points lost due to unexcused absences or non-suits. Students must make prior arrangements and schedule a make-up with their teacher. Each make-up session counts as one make-up. Students must be dressed-down in Fitness clothes and on-time as arranged with their teacher, in order to participate in the make-up activity. Make-ups must be completed within two weeks of the absence.


Entering the gym or knocking on the door after the tardy bell will be an automatic SWEEP- go directly to the sweep room unless you have a pass.

SRHS Physical Education Grading Policy

The Physical Education Department has constructed a scoring rubric to assess certain behaviors. Each class, deductions from specific areas are as follows: Students will begin the five-day week with 50 points; 10 points per day. If a student is not able to participate (due to illness/injury) they must complete a writing assignment. This is how a student could lose their points for the day


  • Tardy to class (student arrives while attendance is being taken w/o pass)
  • Delaying dressing out time in locker room
  • Lack of participation and effort in the warm-up and/or activity


  • Failure to dress for class (Non dress cannot be made up)
  • Failure to follow class expectations
  • Damage/abuse equipment or school property


  • Use of profanity towards others/lack of sportsmanship
  • Do not bring food or drinks into the gymnasiums/locker rooms (water only)
  • Failure to follow game instructions/class procedures
  • Engages in unsafe acts or dangerous behaviors


Dysart Unified School District Letter Grade Equivalences

A – 90-100%

B – 80-89%

C – 70-79%

D – 60-69% Passing grade

F – 0-59% Failing grade

Dysart Unified School District Weighting of Grades

Homework/Classwork = unit quizzes/individual fitness goals 10%

Assessments= Participation/Dressing out 80%

Final Exam: 10%

Re-takes must be taken within the same amount of days the student was absent.


(To be completed by parent/guardian)

Student’s Name Birthdate Sex(circle one) M F

Grade Period


In case of emergency contact Phone #

Physician Physician’s Phone

Date of last physical exam______________________

Does your son/daughter have any special health problems, e.g., allergies, bleeder, bone, asthma, diabetes, ear, hearing, heart, muscle, seizures, skin, spells, or vision; recent operations or hospitalization?

Please describe:

Will any of the above limit your child’s participation in PE – if so, how?

Does your son/daughter take any medication? Yes No

If yes, what kind?

Is there anything you can tell us about your son/daughter that you feel will help the school staff to better understand and work with him/her?


Parents/Guardians Names

Home Phone # Work Phone #

Email Address

Please indicate the best time of day to contact you


I have read and understand the expectations to be successful in both SRHS Health & Fitness and accept the responsibilities required to become a healthier, fit person.

Printed Name Signature Date


I have read and understand the expectations for my child to be successful in SRHS Health & Fitness and accept the responsibility to support and encourage my child to become a healthier, fit person as outlined by the SRHS PE Staff.

Printed Name Signature Date