Advanced Physical Conditioning

A Quality Physical Education Program:

  • Is an integral part of the total educational program.
  • Meets the needs of all students.
  • Is developmentally appropriate-both age and individually.
  • Includes movement, fitness and concept.
  • Teaches our students the how and why of fitness.
  • Provides the skills necessary for participation in lifelong activity.

Unit Objectives:

1) Students will learn the safety rules and expectations for fitness-room workouts. They will properly demonstrate how to safety use the fitness equipment.

2) Students will learn the biomechanics of strength and conditioning exercises. They will properly demonstrate a variety of strength and conditioning exercises - 10 or more times while at each fitness station.

3) Students will demonstrate safety, consistent effort, and proper technique while engaging in all fitness-room exercises/work-outs. They will be able to monitor and track their progress using their fitness logs.

Advance Physical Conditioning lifting project.docx

Lifting Video Project one due every Month.