Using Google Meet

During the time of distance learning, Google Meet can be a great way to connect with students. Families have already signed consent for the students to use the Google Suite of programs, and they allow you to record the Meet which saves directly to your Drive and can be shared with your students on Canvas.

Just as in your classroom, make sure you are the last to leave a Google Meet. When the Meet is completed, remove the link from the Canvas course where you posted it.

Setting Up and Shutting Down a Google Meet.mp4

  • Follow these steps to create a Meet that can be shut down once you're finished.
  • The end of the video shows you how to make this accessible from Canvas.

Want to record your meeting so that all students can access it, even if they're not available when you're live? This tutorial will walk you through that process.

  • You can present your screen while in a Meet
  • Present material, work through math problems, review material, and discuss notes
Recording a Google Meet.mp4