The RMDC is an organizational and management intervention of the Field Office that is conducted semi- annually. The NMDC serves as a forum for discussion, consultation, consensus building, and decision-making on policies, plans, issues, and resources pertaining to the operations of the Department.

RCMET Meetings is part of the continuing effort of DSWD FO V to institutionalize and sustain its M&E initiatives and serve a venue for M&E Focal Persons in the different units to share information and updates on the various M&E concerns of the office as well as discuss process improvements leading to better implementation of the Unified Results Based Monitoring & Evaluation (URBME) and the Harmonized Planning Monitoring & Evaluation System (HPMES) in the Field Office.

 GAD Focal Point System 

(GFPS) Meetings

GFPS Meetings is another mandated activity of the Department as per AO 5 s. 2012, otherwise known as DSWD GAD Mainstreaming. DSWD continues to abide with the gender and development policies on gender equality. And as such, a regional technical working group on GAD has been created by this office to comply with the above-mentioned policies. Along with the group’s mandates on the continues upholding of the GAD advocacies of the region, is the need for regular meetings to discuss issues and concerns and agree on strategies to execute the GAD plan and budget of the Department. Furthermore, deliberate on possible actions on how to realize whatever GAD initiatives the region currently has.

DSWD 5 Work & Financial Planning (WFP) Workshop

To craft the Work and Financial Plan, Monthly Disbursement Plan, and Annual Procurement Plan based on NEP.

Integrated Program Review and Evaluation Workshop (IPREW), is an updated issuance anchored on the principles of results-based management (RBM) as operationalized in the harmonized planning, monitoring and evaluation system (HPMES), and ensures the alignment of the PREW objectives to the Strategic Plan. The Department of the Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) epitomizes the government’s provision of services to the poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged towards improved wellbeing. It is mandated to lead in the formulation, implementation and coordination of social welfare and development (SWD) policies and programs. This responsibility is fulfilled by the Department through continuous improvement of its programs, systems and processes. As a key mechanism for reviewing and evaluating performance, the Department employs the conduct of Integrated Performance Review and Evaluation Workshops (PREWs).