
Capitalizing on past LAK workshops on ethical concerns this workshop has three primary motivations:

  • Introducing and discussing the interplay between ethics of justice, applying rules and principles to ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all people, and ethics of care, driven by values and concerns and involving tasks that make a living better in interdependence with others (Puig de La Bellacasa, 2011). Neither ethics of justice nor ethics of care, on their own, can "sufficiently address and accommodate the complexities, intersectionality and multi-dimensional nature of individuals and different relations in different contexts" (Prinsloo & Slade, 2017, p.115). Instead, we need to approach ethical considerations in the education sector (K-12, high school, higher education) from a dialectic and relational stance between justice and care.

  • Promoting critical views of data in the context of widespread unease in society about the misuse of data and datasets (D'Ignazio & Klein, 2019). In particular, critical understandings of data are critical to promoting data and ethical literacies.

  • Contributing to ongoing conversations on ethical considerations based on practical cases. It is of utmost importance not only that the LA community is producing ethical frameworks, principles, and concepts but also that it is aware of how ethical considerations can be enacted in practice, what ethical areas are challenging and why, and how the LA community can ensure sustained and updated conversations take place, nurturing practical reasoning on ethics across the community (Kitto & Knight, 2019).