5) Web Design / Graphic Services

Web design can be simple or very VERY complex,

We believe that the *KISS principal is the best when trying to provide information.

It seems today that marketing and advertising companies use clever but really annoying bits to "Draw your attention".

We feel it just makes customers tune out and tune off. If your going to make a presence on flashy cartoons, or by causing someone a seizure when they look at your presentation, we aren't the graphics design solution you've been looking for.

However, if you want rock solid solutions, with tasteful and tried and true methods, with perhaps a little flair splashed in.. We are your team!

We work with several contracted individuals to provide a balance between the really cool technology driven elements you might want, with a core design that stands the test of time, and server load.

We can develop in either Linux or Microsoft Environments. IIS or Apache, PHP, JavaScript or other scripting, including database and dynamic content. Questionnaires, or other element driven content.

We consult with our customers first, before taking on any project.

Consultations are $50.00, and we charge $15.00 per hour for web development.

If your solution requires a database back end, or flash development it's an additional $10.00 per hour.

(*Keep it simple smarty.)