US History / AP / UT / ACC

403310 US History

Prerequisite: World Geography, Honors World Studies or AP Human Geography & World History Credit: 1

This course is a survey of the American experience from post Civil War Reconstruction to the present. It includes the study of Reconstruction, the American Industrial Revolution, westward expansion, progressive reform, events leading to World War I, The Great Depression of the 30’s, World War II, civil rights movement, emergence of the United States as a world power, social, political, economic, and technological advances of the ‘50’s through the present.

403310 AP United States History

Prerequisite: World Geography, Honors World Studies or AP Human Geography & World History Credit: 1

This college-level course covers the period in American history from the colonial times to 1970 and is taught to meet the needs of identified gifted and talented students. It uses a college curriculum to prepare students for the advanced placement test in American history. Students in this course are required to take the advanced placement test given in May of the school year. Students who obtain a qualifying score on this test may receive college/university credit, advanced placement, or both.

403335 GT AP United States History

Prerequisite: GT identified Credit: 1

This college-level course covers the period in American history from the colonial times to 1970 and is taught to meet the needs of identified gifted and talented students. It uses a college curriculum to prepare students for the advanced placement test in American history. Students in this course are required to take the advanced placement test given in May of the school year. Students who obtain a qualifying score on this test may receive college/university credit, advanced placement, or both.

403358 UT On-Ramps US History

Prerequisite: None Credit: 1

For the English 1301/1302 and US History 1301/1302, each semester will begin designated as the college course. For example, in the Fall semester, all students in OnRamps English will be enrolled in Rhetoric 306 (which is 1301), and mid-October UT will score a writing project that will determine if the remainder of the Fall semester will count for Rhetoric 306 (1301) college credit. Students may or may not qualify, but each OnRamps course offers several different opportunities to qualify for credit. For all OnRamps courses, at the end of the Spring Semester, based on their performance, students who are enrolled in the college course are awarded a grade by their high school teacher for the high school class and a college grade by their instructor. Students who are enrolled in the college course and complete it successfully will receive a UT Austin transcript, should they so choose.

403339 ACC U.S. History Dual Credit Elective

Prerequisite: student must meet ACC enrollment requirements. Credit: 1

A study of the history of the United States to 1877. This course is designed to earn students elective credit for high school while gaining college credit.

403340 ACC U.S. History Required

Prerequisite: student must meet ACC enrollment requirements. Credit: 1

A study of the history of the United States from 1877 to present. This course satisfies the high school US History requirement.