Developing Nation

Eighth Grade Social Studies Syllabus

United States History: Our Developing Nation: The American Founding through 1865

2023-24 School Year

Teachers: Susan Holthaus, Matthew Stretanski   


Webpage: Google classroom app available in app stores.

Location: Mrs. Holthaus  - Room #104, Mr. Stretanski  - Room #108

Course Description: The 8th grade U.S. History course will  survey (study) the events, people, and places that created the United States of America and its development to the beginning of the Civil War. 

Class Format: All students will be required to check Google Classroom every day.  

New Text and learning resources -  Our textbook and curriculum resources are available via an online portal. Class activities will be assigned through the SavvasRealize portal via google Classroom and access to the portal from any device connected to the internet. 

The general protocols will include:

Class and homework activities will include: outside reading and written homework assignments, research projects, presentations and in-school computer and research activities.

Academic Honesty - The assignments, tests, quizzes, projects and classwork are differentiated to meet the learning needs of all students.  Collaboration will be a part of classroom activities, but students are required to do their own work as independent learners first. Any form of academic dishonesty: ie. copying homework, plagiarism, or cheating on assessments will result in a zero point assessment for the activity.  More than one academic dishonesty issue will result in additional zero grade on the assignment and disciplinary referrals.

Special statement concerning artificial Intelligence aided work:

It is assumed that all work submitted by students will be generated by the students themselves, working individually or in groups, as assigned. Students are not to have another person or entity do any of the writing of any assignment for them. This includes Artificial Intelligence tools like Chat GPT or others.  Use of these tools to complete work, write assignments or generate projects is considered academic dishonesty and will be subject to the Academic Honesty policy as stated in the course syllabus and the DMS student handbook.


Requirements: All students will arrive each day prepared to learn.  Preparation includes a school issued Chromebook, writing instrument, notebook, daily planner and any assignments due.  Lack of preparation will affect your grade negatively. 

Homework policy:  It is the responsibility of the student to complete assignments on a daily basis.  Length of assignments will vary from 15 to 60 minutes, and completion, level of mastery, and individual student effort will affect the grade each student will earn. Homework is due at the designated time on the Classroom assignment.  The due date and time of each assignment will be designated on each Google Classroom assignment. 

Late homework is any work turned in after that designated time.  All late homework will be given half of appointed credit if handed in the following school day.  The student will receive a zero for any homework not turned in after the TWO day grace period. All homework assignments are due on the designated date and time unless an excused absence is reported by the parent to the main office.


Absence: It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all class work that has been missed for any reason.  Students who are absent due to illness or family emergency will contact the teacher via email and check Google Classroom.  If the student has missed multiple days of school, the student and teacher will establish a set schedule for making up all work in a timely manner. 

Planned Absence: Always check Google Classroom for new assignments and lessons. Students who are participating in educational field trips, family commitments, or extra-curricular activities are required to inform the school and their teachers to obtain assignments before departure.  Make up tests and quizzes will be taken within three days of return to school.

Evaluation:  A total point system will be used to determine the numeric average and letter grade earned by the student.  Each assignment, test, quiz, presentation, or project will be assigned a point value.  The total points available will be divided into the points earned by the student.  The percentage of the points earned will be the student’s grade for the quarter.  Class participation is part of the daily homework grade.

Approximate point values are as follows:

Tests / Quizzes – 40%

Daily Homework / Class work / Class Participation – 35%

Projects / Presentations – 25%

Classroom Rules: The classroom will be managed based on the philosophy of mutual respect between and among the teacher and students with appropriate adherence to the Dallas Middle School handbook and disciplinary policy.  Students will be held responsible for the choices they make. There will be zero tolerance for insubordination in the classroom. The following are not allowed in the classroom:

Equipment needed – All students are required to bring their charged chromebook to class every day. If a chromebook is not charged for and functional for class, students will have access to paper copy versions of any materials needed for class that day.  An inoperable or missing Chromebook designates the student unprepared for class. 

In addition, a pocket folder or small (one inch) three ringed binder, approximately 100  - 3” x 5”or 4” x 6” index cards and pens or pencils are required.

Chromebook, Google Classroom, and Website use...

We are excited to share that we will use the Google classroom application in the Eighth Grade Social Studies course: “Our Developing Nation”.  


All rules concerning the Dallas School District Acceptable use policy apply to the use of school owned electronic devices as well as personally owned electronic devices.  

Google Classroom is available as an app in all formats.  Mr. Stretanski will use a class to log everyone into our History classroom.  A tour will be conducted during class so all students learn to navigate the application.  All parents are strongly encouraged to access their child’s Google Classroom account by logging into the student’s email and accessing the Classroom application from the “waffle” in the upper right hand corner of the email page. Next, open the correct Classroom “Period # History Class.”  Also, Mr. Stretanski’s webpage will have a link to google Classroom and Calendar which can be accessed via the webpage.

Please complete the attached signature form recognizing the Eighth Grade History Class syllabus and class.  Each student has an electronic copy and parents are asked to “sign” the form and include a current parent email address. Parents who register on Google Classroom will receive weekly updates of student progress from Google Classroom. 

Student and parent signatures below recognize the Syllabus and all information on the above document.  Students should return the signature sheet to Mr. Stretanski or Mrs. Holthaus on the assigned day.

We look forward to working with parents and students to make this a productive school year! 

Return this signature sheet to your Social Studies teacher in recognition of the course syllabus. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Student signature - ______________________________________________

Parent or Guardian signature - ______________________________________

Parent or Guardian – email _________________________________________

Phone number ___________________________________

Please email Mrs. Holthaus or Mr. Stretanski or call the school at 674-7243 with any questions about the course syllabus or with concerns and questions throughout the school year.