CSIU Information

7th grade Developmental Reading-

These classes meet just two days out of the six day cycle; therefore, grades are not as plentiful as they may be in the major subjects. I will update CSIU as soon as tests, quizzes, and projects are graded.

8th grade Developing Nation -

I will post tests, quizzes, and graded assignments to my gradebook once they have been graded. Most grades will be posted the day after the test/quiz was given. Some tests/quizzes may take longer to grade, therefore, it may take more than a day to post the grades.

My grading system is based on a point system. In my class, the student’s total number of points is divided by the total number of points assigned in the class. This is their average in class. If an assignment is missing, it will be calculated into the average as a zero until the assignment is completed.