Study Techniques

visual learners

* Highlight, underline or box keywords and phrases.

* Categorize information by using color coding

* Draw symbols and pictures to represent concepts.

* Create flashcards.

* Put information in outline form.

* Use mind mapping to see relationships between concepts.

* Read your textbook. Pay attention to subheadings, pictures and


* Take notes and read them daily.

auditory learners

+ Read study cards aloud.

+ Sub-vocalize when reading. (Read aloud quietly.)

+ Use auditory cues such as rhymes, chants and rap.

+ Practice good listening skills by listening for key words and concepts.

+ Review orally with a partner.

+ Use a tape recorder. Record a vocabulary definiton or question on tape.

Pause for five seconds and then say answer.

Continue to record information.

Play back tape and attempt to respond before tape

provides answer.

Keep track of progress.

kinesthetic/tactile learners

- Use manipulatives when possible. ( models, transparencies, puzzles, tools)

- Write down information. Learn to be a good notetaker.

- Create mind maps to see relationships.

- Draw symbols and pictures.

- Color code notes, maps, diagrams etc.

- Create study cards with drawings or symbols.

- Highlight, underline or box keywords and phrases.

Multi-sensory learners

= Try all the techniques listed above.