About the Teacher

Name: Kathleen Andrusisian

Class: Learning Support

School: Dallas Middle School

Room: 212

School Phone: 570-674-7243

Email: k a n d r u s i s i a n @ d s d h s . c o m

Education: BS -Special Education                           Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg,PA

                    M ED - Elementary Administration    The Citadel, Charleston, SC

As a learning support teacher I have a broad range of experience. Although I am a PA native, I have taught in seven states: Ohio, Virginia, South Carolina, New York, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania.  As a special education teacher I have taught in elementary, middle and high schools. The students ,that I have taught, have had an intellectual range from significantly mentally handicapped to gifted. While teaching at Dallas Middle School,  I was selected as a 2007 finalist for Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year.  I feel confident in sharing my teaching abilities with your child to develop his/her potential.  I welcome your valuable input into this process.  The success of your child is the goal!

Please contact me with any questions and /or concerns. 

Your input is valued!

Your support is appreciated!!