Taking Care of Yourself

Talk to your tribe

Check in on your friends. Connect with family members, trusted adults, clergy, youth professionals and close friends—and don’t be afraid to reach out if you have questions or need support.

Connection can happen in different ways

Where and how can you share moments with friends? Have a virtual “coffee date” with a friend over Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or another communication platform.

Take a break from social media

Watch a movie together with your friends virtually on sites like twoseven or Kast, or download the extension Netflix Party on Google Chrome to start a watch party!

Take care of yourself

Consider trying meditation or mindfulness to help calm and center yourself. Join the conversation about teen mental health on Here. Now. A Teen-Driven Mental Health Conversation. Apps like Headspace and Calm provide many convenient options right on your phone or tablet. Go for a walk or run, sit outside and get some fresh air or take a bike ride

The best times to use positive affirmation are at the beginning and end of your day. Try repeating your affirmations before you get out of bed in the morning, or while you’re brushing your teeth at night. As long as you repeat your affirmations at the same time each day, they’ll soon become habit.

How many times should you repeat your affirmations? As many times as you like! But keep this in mind: quality over quantity. If you just mindlessly repeat your affirmation without stopping to really dwell on what it is you’re saying, they won’t be nearly as effective. Instead, say each affirmation slowly and with intention. Think about what the affirmation means and let the positive emotions fill you up like a balloon.

Soon enough, the affirmations will begin to take hold in your life. And the results will amaze you

1. The more I like myself, the more others will like me.

2. I am becoming better with each day.

3. I am happy to be here.

4. I have people who care about me and will help me if I need it.

5. I will ask for help if I need it.

6. I am always learning more about who I am and what matters to me.

7. I understand that my actions become habits so I will try to do the right thing.

8. I love and respect my family for all they do for me.

9. I am an intelligent being, but I don’t know everything.

10. I am proud to represent the values that matter to me and my community.

11. I love myself.

12. I feel lucky to have the opportunities that I do.

13. My dreams are achievable.

14. The only people who may be judging me, are the people who are most afraid of being judged.

15. In 5 years it is not going to matter what I wore today.

16. In 15 years the only thing that will remain is what I have learned.

17. My first love will probably not be my only love, and I’m ok with that.

18. People can be mean, but it only reflects the kind of person they are.

19. I am happy. Who else am I trying to please?

20. I accept and love the way I look without comparing myself to others.

21. A six-pack does not need to be standard. In either form.

22. I am completely unique and therefore, there are no rules to what I am and am not.

23. I give myself permission to do what is best for me.

24. I admit that I may not always know what is best for me, so I am open to advice from people who I respect.

25. I do not need drugs or alcohol to have fun.

26. I do not need to share every personal detail with my entire social network.

27. I am responsible with my technology.

28. My opinion matters.

29. I acknowledge that sometimes it is not appropriate to voice my opinion.

30. I care about what is going on in the world.

31. I can say no, and no will mean no.

32. I stand up for myself because I matter.

33. I love myself unconditionally.

34. I see the beauty in stopping to appreciate my blessings.

35. I am not in a race, there is plenty of time.

36. Reputation is important, but it is not defining.

37. My friends are not always right.

38. I am not lost, I’m still creating myself.

39. When there is a bump in the road, I keep going.

40. If someone is trying to bring me down, it means I am above them.

41. I have all the tools to be successful.

42. Though times may be difficult, they will eventually get better.

43. I do not regret yesterday and I am excited for tomorrow.

44. This is only the beginning.

45. I will do better next time.

46. I haven’t even seen what I am capable of yet.

47. I will savor my youth.

48. I do not wish for age but instead experiences and knowledge.

49. I will do today what I will appreciate tomorrow.

50. I begin my day by affirming the positive and end my day with gratitude.