Transforming Bigotry into Tolerence

Dr. Richard Izquierdo Health and Science Charter School, Bronx Latin and Bronx College and Career Preparatory stand united against anti-Asian rhetoric and hate. We must all speak up about it, no matter who we are, especially now.

What will bring down the violence and the hate against Asian American and Pacific Island people? Neighbors, congregation members and people from all walks of life must sit down, listen to each other and build a truly inclusive society together from the ground up.

  • Speak out if you witness a hate crime or incident

  • Report the hate crime or incident

  • Consider taking part in a training about hate

  • learning about the diversity of Asian cultures

  • Check in with your Asian American peers -Six to seven percent of the nation’s population is Asian — odds are that you know someone who is of Asian descent.

  • Learn about the history of Asian American discrimination

  • Reach out to your elected officials

To the best of my ability, I tried to make sure all the authors on this list fit the criteria of being of Asian descent because everyone deserves feel represented in books and on the covers.