These resources on the following pages are not exhaustive - for more information and advice reach out to your counselors who will guide you through the admissions process, making the experience easier, organized, and enabling better outcomes . They are the ones who stay on top of class selection and graduation requirements,. They are the ones that can answer your FAFSA questions. They will help you find a best-fit school for you based on qualities like professors and academics, size and location, campus culture, and quality of life

Mr. Rodriguez

Ms. LakhanI

Choosing a college is a VERY important decision and it can be overwhelming with all the colleges to choose from and figuring out which is the best fit for you.

  • Develop a shortlist of schools you would like to attend

  • Research the schools and their departments. Is one school better known for your major?

  • Rank your priorities - make a list of your wants and needs

  • Don't wait until the last minute!

  • Think about your endgame - what you want to do after you graduate

  • Don't give up if you haven't been chosen by your top school

You should know about college costs before you start the college admissions process.

Tuition and fees vary from college to college. One way to determine a college's affordability is by evaluating financial aid award packages. Don’t look only at public schools – sometimes private schools offer better aid packages than state schools

  • Is it best to follow my dreams or is it best to be practical?

  • When should I decide?

  • Can I change my mind or will I be locked into my career choice?

Click on the link to the left to help your figure out your life path.