Food For Thought

Food For Thought Project

One of our Grade level projects for 10th grade was our Food for Thought Project. We learned how to create an equitable food system that accommodates different groups of people, such as different cultures and those with lack of food. Throughout different classes, we applied the concepts we learned from our research.

AP World History

In AP World History, we learned about the Columbian Exchange, which was the exchange of goods and people between the eastern and western hemisphere. In our class, we were assigned a hemisphere and told to make a dish with ingredients from that hemisphere. The dish we made was chicken and rice with grapes and bananas.

World Literature

For World Literature, we were assigned to create our own recipe using the ingredients from AP World History. My group decided to make mint brownies. The ingredients, such as cocoa beans came from the eastern hemisphere, while ingredients such as sugar came from the western hemisphere.


In Visual Arts, we were assigned to research a culture and create dishware that matches it's style. In class, we learned the different techniques to create pottery, such as slab, pinch, and coil. We decided to choose Native American pottery.