Shaping our World


Shaping Our World Movie

In World Literature, we created videos about ancient civilizations. Students were tasked with creating the script and producing the video.

El Trafico de Animales Silvestres

In Spanish, we researched global conflicts around the world. the topic of conflict that we focused on was trafficking.

Space is the New Place: Global Conflict & Impact - Bilingual Statement 

Hola! Me llamo Tamia. Yo soy en decimo grado. Es muy importante donar para detener el tráfico de animales silvestres. El tráfico de animales silvestres es una crimen. Nosotros tener que juntamos fondos asegurar  animales silvestres. Yo quiero salvar animales silvestres rápido.

Our conflict was animal trafficking. Our article focused on wild animals who were killed and their parts were traded for luxury goods. The article talked about different places in the world in which this was occurring. To summarize my Spanish reflexive paragraph, I think that animal traficking is a crime and should be stopped. We as people should participate in stopping animal traficking as quickly as we can.

This is the infographic me and my partner made in relation to our conflict.