
About My Drew Experience

Below you will see 4 different paragraphs describing my feelings about each year I attended Drew.

9TH GRADE YEAR:  This year was my first year at Drew, feeling used to being the 'New Kid' I was not nervous. My first day went smoothly and I felt like I was adjusting quickly academically. Throughout the months I learned something new everyday. Being a part of a community such as Drew allowed me to get to know everyone faster than I would at a regular high school. Seeing everyone so close made me feel like it would be hard to fit in socially, but many students of Drew welcomed me with open arms. I had never attended a PBL school, doing the projects was definitely stressful, confusing, and just not for me. Nevertheless, I was told it would all be worth it. Hopefully when I return and write another excerpt for my 10th grade year, I will agree. Going to Drew made me feel like my academic success was cared for. I have no regrets for my academic progress this year, only expectations of what I can change and do better for next year. This year has been stressful, encouraging, inspiring, and life changing. The reach of Drew to different programs offered to students is incredible. In one year, doing one big project, I was pushed to look into a