11th Grade


3B project

Hybrid, In-person, or Virtual Learning 

The goal of this project was to create a survey about a topic of your choice to see how the participants would respond. The responses would result in statistical data. We created a survey of high school students to see if they preferred hybrid, in-person, or virtual learning. From doing this survey we learned that most students prefer in-person learning because it benefits not only their grades but their mental health. 

My role in this project was to create a Google form to record all of the responses from high schoolers about virtual, hybrid, or in-person learning. I also sent the survey out to other high school students. Doing this project helped me see what my peers like and their perspectives on school. I was able to see how the school years being virtual vs. in-person impacted the student's grades differently.

Rereflection  #1

Last semester learning went well I enjoyed doing projects and working in whole group with our small class. Something that could’ve been better was I wish I would’ve studied more  on the topics we learned to better prepare myself. I learned best doing projects and practice worksheets. My goals for this semester is to have all A’s. I can do this by turning in my work in time, paying attention in class, and also studying. An idea I’d like to see this semester is more group projects similar to the survey project we did last semester.