Engineering Applications


This year we are being challenged to make a pinball for our culminating project for our Engineering Pathway.

Project Requirements

Above is the requirements list for our project


This project will use all disciiplines of STEAM!

creating stop light

In class today, we were asked to create a stop light using LEDs, Picos, and wiring them together.


Second stop light

Same stop light but the PICO is connected to a breakout board now.


Chaser light

Today in class, we worked on making a chaser code, which made the light go around the circuit board throughout every part.

Start button

The button in this image represents the start button on the machine, starting up the pinball machine and sending the ball to be hit


The flippers are a necessity for pinball machines, helping to not only stop the ball from going out, but to help redirect the ball and score points in the game. 


Pinball Machine Interior

The video above shows the interior of one of the pinball machines, showing the wiring, sensors to prevent cheating, and tunnels routing the ball to the starting point


The targets on the pinball machine are a key function in each and every pinball machine. The purpose of the targets is to not only be hit by the ball, but to help with the point scoring process. Every machine has their different targets with different point grading systems, but all help with points. 



Button clicker code

In this video, we added code to our MuEditor to have either "Button is pressed. " or "Button is not pressed." every time we pressed it.  

Pinball Bumper

The commercially bumpers on each pinball machine are controlled by sellonoids that receives a signal that closes the bumper and sends the ball shooting back.


Rectangles and circles

Rectangles and circles 


Engineering Drawing Practice 5-8 9/27/23


in pur donut making design on Onshape, we used the revolve tool, center point circle and a straight line


For our targets, we used the linear pattern tool as well as the extrude tool to create rectangles with indents for the target slots.


For our pyramids, we used the extrude tool as well as the rectangle tool


For our cones, we used the revolve tool after making a triangle, using a straight line as the axis point.

Target Prototype

In today's lesson, we worked on creating our prototype targets for our pinball machines. we were assigned to create unique targets that will be able to withstand thousands of hits and still be usable.

10/6/23 Onshape Practice

For this onshape practice, I primarily used the circle tool to the outer circle, the three circles within the perimeters, and used both the rectangle tool and circle tool to create the inner dent. Finally, I used the extrude tool to add depth.

10/18/23 Onshape Practice

For today's onshape practice, I used the line tools to create all of the borders of the shape. To make the curves for the upper curves and the in inner pocket, I used the sketch tool. For the pair of circles, I used the circle tool and the mirror tool and used the Extrude tool to finish it off.

What is the function of a bumper/flipper?  

Describe in your own words, once your bumper/flipper is installed, how you will consider it to be successful.   As of this year, one of the expectations of your engineering knowledge is that you can develop your own set of constraints.  Use the target constraints as a guide. Develop a comprehensive list of project constraints for your flipper/bumper (10-20 requirements).  

I think that when my bumper is installed, it'll help with overall performance of my pinball machine, helping with design, fun, and possibly help with scoring throughout the game. 

constraints list:

Find some videos (at least three that contribute to your understanding) and explanations of how pinball bumpers/flippers work.  Place the videos in your google site.

Include a description of how/what the specific video helped you understand about the inner workings of the bumper/flipper. Answer these questions in detail: What is the “switch” that controls the mechanism?  Describe it. Add an image of one.

Video # 2 specifically helped me with seeing exactly which specific part did what when the ball hit. All three videos helped with understanding the parts and how the disc that is added onto the selenoid and has a 360 degree radius in order for it to properly work as a bumper when hit.

What is the electromechanical component that creates the movement?  Add an image of one.   What is the mechanical component that hits the ball?  Describe it in words, but also draw a 3D Sketch of the assembly (on paper).   Add this sketch to the entry.

Wiring Best Practices

Wire colors

Per wiring best practices, we are only supposed to use red wires for power and only use black wires for ground. Other colors are used for signal. You can see in this image

Wiring Labels

Wiring Chart

Appropriate Wiring Connections

Securing Wires